Latin American Essays
This page serves as an online digital archive for our journal, Latin American Essays. The material is organized in reverse chronological order, starting with the last issue, Volume 25 (2011) and extending back to Volume 15 (2001). We hope to have earlier editions digitized and published here soon.
We also invite you to explore the new MACLAS publication, the Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies (MARLAS), here.
For each volume, click on the image at left for a full PDF file.
Volume 25.
Selected papers presented at the 32nd Annual Conference at the University of Pittsburgh, March 17-19, 2011.
Ernesto Sagas, "Environmental Justice in Chile: The Price of Success" (5-19).
Cathy Marie Ouelette, "Amazonian Conquests and the Politics of Deforestation" (20-27).
Laura Romah, "Engaging Men in Gender Equality Programs: The Case of Nicaragua" (28-37).
Camelia Tigau, "Circulation of Highly Qualified Workforce in Latin America: A Focus on the Mexican Diaspora" (38-52).
Mirna Trauger, "El cuerpo de su conceptualización posmoderna en Pájaros de la playa" (53-57).
Fran Weiser, "From the Cult of Bolívar to the Cell of Gramsci: Hugo Chávez's Intellectual Reenactments" (58-66).
Book Review.
The late Professor Jack Child of American University.
Elizabeth Kiddy on George Reid Andrews (Arthur P. Whitaker Prize Winner, 2011), Blackness in the White Nation: A History of Afro-Uruguay (UNC Press, 2010).
In Memoriam.
Jack Child, by Brian Turner.
Volume 24.
Selected papers presented at the 31st Annual Conference at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD, March 26-27, 2010.
John-Paul Wilson, "Sandinista Impact on Nicaraguan Gender Relations" (5-18).
Brendan Halloran, "Participatory Governance: Citizenship, Community, Power and the Future of Guatemalan Democracy" (19-27).
Tyler Darr, "The 2009 Honduran Presidential Crisis: Prospects for Future Democratic Development" (28-42).
Thomas Andrew O'Keefe, "While the United States Slept, South America Walked" (43-55).
Gloria Clark, "Juan Ruiz de Alarcón: Writing Home Between the Lines" (56-64).
Perla Sasson-Henry, "Golpe de Gracia (Coupe de Grâce): A Search for Justice and Independence" (65-71).
Consuelo Hernández, "El inmigrante como sujeto polidimensional en Viaje a la tierra del abuelo de Bencastro" (72-81).
Silvia Peart, "La celebración de hibridez en Sandra Cisneros y Mia Couto: Reflexiones sobre la identidad en los márgenes" (82-88).
Sheila Rodríguez, "La conquista maya de España: Reinventando la historia de Carlos Fuentes' Cristal Frontier" (95-102).
Book Review.
Sharika Crawford, on Marixa Lasso, Myths of Racial Harmony: Race and Republicanism during the Age of Revolution, Colombia, 1795-1841 (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2007).
Volume 23.
Selected papers presented at the 30th Annual Conference at the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, VA, March 6-7, 2009.
In Memorium.
Robert J. Alexander (1918-2010): Pioneer Latin Americanist, by Mark Wasserman(5-10).
2009 Keynote Address.
Virginia Bouvier, "Reflections on the State of the Art in Latin American Studies" (11-21).
From Jack Child, "A Copyright-Free Source of Latin American Visuals," p. 26. Caption: "Granma Landing."
Jack Child, "A Copyright-Free Source of Latin American Visuals" (22-32).
Stephanie Demaree (winner of the Juan Espadas Prize), "Macondo versus McOndo: realismo mágico y el peso de la memoria histórica en The Brief Wondrous Life Oscar Wao" (33-42).
Carlos Rodríguez McGill (Street Prize Essay 2010): "Intertextualidad y la construcción del imaginario del delito urbano en Un capitán de ladrones en Buenos Aires (1879) de Eduardo Gutiérrez" (43-56).
Book Reviews.
Maria Mercedes Andrade, on Angélica J. Huízar, Beyond the Page: Latin American Poetry from the Calligramme to the Virtual (57-58).
John Stolle-McAllister, on the Arthur P. Whitaker Prize winner, Jack Child, Miniature Messages: The Semiotics of Latin American Postage Stamps (59-60).
Volume 22.
Selected Papers Presented at the 29th Annual Conference at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in Baltimore, MD, March 7-8, 2008.
Kenneth Lehman, "Cambi-Kollas: Bridging the Divide? Highland Immigrants in Santa Cruz, Bolivia" (1-23).
Mirna Trauger explores "la redefinición de la puertorriqueñidad a través de la fotografía en La llegada de Luis González."
David Sheinin, Street Prize Essay: "Sport and the Nation in Proceso Argentina: Dictatorship Ideologies, Media Representations, and the Rise of Guillermo Vilas and Carlos Reutemann" (24-53).
Ana Janaina Nelson, "Civil-Military Relations in Bolivia (2000-2006)" (66-74).
Mirna Trauger, "La redefinición de la puertorriqueñidad a través de la fotografía en La llegada de Luis González" (66-74).
Lezlie L. Shackell, "El pueblo afroecuatoriano: Su situación actual y las medidas nacionales e internacionales para reformarla" (75-83).
Volume 21.
Selected Papers Presented at the 28th Annual Conference at Albright College in Reading, PA, March 20-31, 2007.
Eufrenio Carreño Román and Donna Kish-Goodling, "Bolivian Economic Policies: An Assessment of the Economic Status of the Mapuche Indians of Chile" (2-15).
"Aurelio Rio, "La 'dehumanización' y 'la búsqueda' in Los pasos perdidos de Alejo Carpentier" (31-35).
Sheila Rodríguez, "La muerte del héroe tradicional en Margarita está linda la mar de Sergio Ramirez" (36-45).
Jeffrey Pugh, Street Prize Essay: "Vectors of Contestation: Social Movements and Party Systems in Ecuador and Colombia" (46-65).
Book Reviews.
María Mercedes Andrade, review of Alejandra Jaramillo Morales, La ciudad sitiada (Bogota: Editorial El Fuego Azul, 2006) (66-67).
Ana Moraña, on the winner of the Arthur P. Whitaker Prize, Sylvia Nagy-Zemki and Fernando Leiva, eds., Democracy in Chile: The Legacy of September 11, 1973 (Sussex Academic Press, 2005). (68-70).
Ivani Vassoler, review of Gerard Helfrich, Humboldt's Cosmos: Alexander von Humboldt and the Latin American Journey That Changed the Way We See the World (NY: Gotham Books, 2005).
Volume 20.
Selected Papers Presented at the 27th Annual Conference at Hilton Ponce Golf Casino and Resort, Ponce, Puerto Rico, March 13-14, 2006.
From Christina Turner, "Textile Tradition and National Identity". Caption: "Figure 3. Miss Paraguay competing for Miss Universe in 2006 in her 'national costume' that utilizes ñandutí in the fan as part of the design motif. Needless to say, this is not a costume you would be likely to actually see in Paraguay!"
Christina Turner, "Textile Tradition and National Identity: A Tangled Thread" (1-13).
John Peeler, "Three Faces of Irony: Domesticating Revolution in Central America" (14-31).
Christian Maisch, "Is There an Inter-American International Law? A Case Study of Latin American Juridical and Intellectual History as Seen Through the Debate Over the Existence of a Regional International Legal System in the Western Hemisphere" (32-49).
Antonio Gómez, "Cuarteles de Invierno de Osvaldo Soriano: Extraterritorialidad y 'Alegría Nacional'" (50-56).
Ivette Guzmán-Zavala, "Visualizaciones de la maternidad: Historias fracturadas por la migración y el colonialismo" (57-71).
Ana Mercedes Patiño, "La condición del extranjero en tres relatos latinoamericanos para niños" (72-83).
Carlos Rodríguez McGill, "El asesinato de Ángel Vicente Peñaloza: Memoria popular, invención histórica y la construcción del imaginario argentino" (84-96).
María Roof, "Más allá de la revolución: Poesía por mujeres nicaragüenses" (97-109).
Isabel Valiena, "Constructing Memory Through Technology: Brand New Memory by Elías Miguel Muñoz" (110-22).
Manuel Ángel Rodríguez, "Ruralidad, urbanización, participación federal y obra pública municipal en Guerrero" (123-36).
Book Review.
Brian Turner, review of Regina A. Root, ed., The Latin American Fashion Reader (NY: Berg Publishers, 2005) (138-39).
Volume 19. Table of Contents.
Volume 18.
Selected Papers Presented at the 25th Annual Conference at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA, February 20-21, 2004.
Rebecca Bill Chavez, "Divergent Experiences With The Rule Of Law: A Comparative Analysis Of Chile And Argentina" (1-19).
Brian Turner, "State Reform and Anti-Neoliberal Rhetoric in Paraguay" (20-37).
Ivani Vassoler, "A Woman on the Front-Lines Against the Last Bastion of Colonialism in Brazil" (38-54).
Jack Child, "The Politics and Semiotics Of Argentine Postage Stamps" (55-85).
Kevin Coleman, "Historical Narratives On The Banana Industry Imperial Arguments In U.S.-Honduran Encounters" (86-105).
Ken Lehman, "History On Its Head With An Historian At The Helm Bolivia’s Gas War—Precedent And Aftermath" (106-133).
Carlos Rodríguez McGill, "El Naturalismo Con Sabor Argentino De Eugenio Cambaceres: Transculturaciones Lingüístico-Culturales, Xenofobia Ilustrada E Imaginario Para Los “Recien Llegados” (134-147).
Perla Sassón-Henry, "Borges And His Legacy In Hyperfiction: A Study Through The Lenses Of Deleuze And Guattari’s Rhizome Theory" (148-156).
Dawn Slack, "Conversación Al Sur: Rescate De La Memoria" (157-166).
MACLAS Prize Winners, 2004 (167).
MACLAS Officers (168).
Volume 17. Table of Contents.
Volume 16.
Selected from papers presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting at the University of Delaware, Newark, DE, March 15-16, 2002.
Clarence Zuvekas, "The Honduran Poverty-Reduction Strategy" (1-31).
David Sheinin, "Finding An Alliance: Rethinking Argentine-United States Cold War Relations" (32-72).
Richard Warren, "Rashomon in the Zocalo: Writing The History Of Popular Political Culture in Nineteenth Century Mexico" (73-95).
Kathleen Cunniffe, "The Fragmented Psyche Of Mexico: The Narrative Structure Of La Muerte De Artemio Cruz Through The Lens Of Francisco González Pineda" (96-113).
Celia Esplugas, "Prostíbulos y subversión en 'La gringa' de Gloria Pampillo" (114-134).
Judy McInnis, "Mireya Keller, Gustav Mahler, and Eric Neumann: Feminine Archetypes in En el tren de los muertos" (135-165).
Carlos Rodríguez McGill, "El Juan Moreira de Eduardo Gutiérrez: entre el discurso hegemónico y lo performativo, y la construcción del imaginario popular argentino" (166-186).
Francis Adams, "The Democratic Governance Agenda of the Organization of American States" (187-203).
MACLAS Officers (204-205).
XXV Conference Information (206).
Volume 15. (Selected from papers presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting at American and Howard Universities in Washington D.C. in 2001).
Table of Contents:
Volume 13. (Selected from papers presented at the 20th Annual Meeting at Ursinus College, Collegeville PA, in 1999.)
Table of Contents:
Volume 12.
Selected from papers presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of MACLAS at the College of New Jersey, Trenton, NJ, 1998.
Clarence Zuvekas, Jr., "The Process of Policy Reform in Honduras, 1990-1997" (11-36).
Major Robert O. Kirkland, "United States Assistance to the Bolivian Military 1958-1964" (37-50).
Elizabeth Espadas, "Destination Brazil: Immigration in Works of Nélida Piñón and Karen Tei Yamashita" (51-62).
Arvilla Payne-Jackson and Juan Espadas, "Rolando Hinojosa-Smith's Sense of Place: Sociolinguistic Aspects" (63-82).
Judy B. McInnis, "Gladys M. Ilarregui and the Post-Modern Poetics of Transparency" (83-96).
Ana María Sánchez Catena, "La narración en CARTUCHO. Relatos de la lucha en el norte (Nellie Campobello)" (97-106).
Theron Corse, "Building Hegemony: Perón, Gramsci and Political Strategy in the Age of the Masses" (107-118).
Luis Fleischman, "The Case of the Bombing of the Jewish Headquarters in Buenos Aires (AMIA): a Structural Approach" (119-136).
Robert C. Williamson, "Shifts in Feminism and Women’s Rights in Latin America: 1960-1990" (137-156).
MACLAS Presidents, Secretary-Treasurers, and Editors, 1980-Present (157).